• Impermanence Bryce Dessner

     - Intermission -

    String Quartet No. 7 in F major, Op. 59 No. 1 Ludwig van Beethoven
    I. Allegro
    II. Allegretto vivace e sempre scherzando
    III. Adagio molto e mesto
    IV. “Thème Russe”: Allegro

  • February 5th, 7:30PM | Moncton | Buy Tickets

    February 7th, 7:30PM | Fredericton | Buy Tickets

    February 8th, 3:00PM | Sussex | Buy Tickets

    February 9th, 3:00PM | Florenceville-Bristol | Tickets can be purchased by emailing Second Wind Music Centre

    February 12th, 7:30PM | Saint John | Buy Tickets


    Season passes available in Fredericton, Saint John and Moncton. Receive 10% off 5 concerts!

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Concert 3: The ECSQ Plays Dessner & Beethoven

February 5th-12th, 2025


We’re starting the new year with two incredible pieces of music. We’ll be playing Impermanence, a hot-off-the-press ballet written by Bryce Dessner (yes, the guitarist from the band The National - oh, and the composer for hit shows “the Revenant” and “Two Popes”). Impermanence was commissioned by the Australian Chamber Orchestra and Sydney Dance Company - we’re excited that the sheet music has just become available so we can share this great music with you. The concert will conclude with Beethoven’s Quartet No. 7 Op. 59, from a period in Beethoven’s career where he was pushing the boundaries of the string quartet, resulting in an evolution of the quartet genre that has stood the test of time.


Nous commençons la nouvelle année avec deux œuvres musicales incroyables. Nous jouerons Impermanence, un ballet tout frais écrit par Bryce Dessner (oui, le guitariste du groupe The National - et le compositeur des séries à succès « The Revenant » et « Two Popes »). Impermanence a été commissionné par l'Australian Chamber Orchestra et la Sydney Dance Company - nous sommes ravis que les partitions viennent d'être disponibles et que nous puissions partager cette musique avec vous. Le concert se terminera par le Quatuor n° 7 Op. 59 de Beethoven, qui marque une période de la carrière de Beethoven où il poussait les limites du quatuor à cordes, résultant en une évolution du genre du quatuor qui a traversé les époques.